P.O. Box 194, Paynesville VIC 3880
60 The Esplanade, Paynesville VIC 3880
Club phone: 03 5156 6864
Email: glyc@sailglyc.com

(Please send all emailed correspondence to GLYC to this address, including all general enquiries to Committee members)

ABN: 69 163 019 282
Incorporated Association Number: A0012452V

Payments: Bendigo Bank BSB 633000 ACC 126663053

The GLYC Committee

CommodoreNeil Smith0438 449 122
Vice CommodoreGary Maskiell0458 067 628
Rear CommodoreAnne Delahay0438 777 484
Sailing CaptainJohn Spencer0418 475 376
TreasurerNorbert Hrouda 0427 654 039
Secretary/HouseRuss Peel0408 589 805
Sailability OfficerAlan Pick0410 584 860
Discover Sailing CoordinatorSteven Mowat
Discover Sailing PrincipalMick Floyd0409 414 777
General Committee & Bar ManagerTim Shepperd0400 666 486
General Committee & Major Events/RegattasJames Frecheville0412 979 824
General Committee & TrophiesLou Hill0418 580 780
General CommitteeMick Floyd
BoatsGeoff Robinson
Grants and FundraisingColin Johanson
Hall Hire ManagerIan Spottiswood
MerchandiseLorraine Slater-Hill0428 856 630
WandererChristie Arras03 5156 7861
Yard and StoragePeter Farrell0428 395 843
eFlash & News LiaisonKathy Gallagher0434 509 306