Gippsland Lakes Yacht Club is the largest and most active yacht club in eastern Victoria. Strong emphasis is placed on sail training, in the context of a friendly socially active club. An integrated Sailability program strengthens these attributes.
The primary objectives of the club are to:
- Promote competitive and recreational boating
- Improve boating facilities on the Gippsland Lakes
- Conserve the Gippsland Lakes and its natural environment
The members of the Club have a wide range of boating interests from dinghies and trailer sailers to motor cruisers, and provide a wealth of sailing expertise. Competitive sailing is well catered for with personal and VYC handicap racing at weekends and twilight (no spinnaker) races on Tuesday evenings during daylight saving. The Club hosts National and State regattas and has members who have been successful in World, National and State championships in various classes.
Juniors are have a range of opportunities to sail with the Club.
GLYC is affiliated with Yachting Victoria, Australian Sailing (ex-Yachting Australia), and Sailability Victoria, giving the East Gippsland region a voice at senior yachting levels.
The Club runs a training school (Discover Sailing Centre) regularly. Beginners of all ages are always welcome, so even novices can easily learn the ropes. Sailability programs are conducted for people with disabilities and primary school children.
Bear in mind that you don’t need to own a boat to start sailing. Whether you are interested in competitive or social sailing there are always skippers looking for crews (no experience necessary). To check out what is happening check the Club calendar at or just turn up on Sunday mornings or Tuesday evenings (from 5.00pm) during daylight saving hours.
Visitors are always welcome at the Club. The ‘Loft’ bar upstairs is a cozy spot for Winter, with wonderful views, and is open every Friday evening, with Tuesday evenings in Summer serving a meal in the main hall, not forgetting most Sundays during the sailing season. Please note that being an all volunteer Club the building is only open when defined events as shown in the Calendar are on.
Read here for information about boat storage facilities for members.
Membership Fees
Family Membership $440.00
Family Membership – is for persons who, in the opinion of the committee, are a family group, comprising 1 or 2 adults (aged 19 or over) who have a recognised relationship, plus any children aged under 19 and/or children over 19 and up to the age of 25 who are dependent.
i) Age limits apply as of the start of the membership year (1 September).
ii) Where the adults in the family group have no children or dependents who are members, the Committee may, upon request, allow grandchildren to be included within the family group.
Senior Membership $330.00
Is an individual membership for boat owners or crew wishing to race or sail with an AS registration and hold full membership rights.
Crew Membership $170.00
Is for adult members wishing to engage as part of the club and club activities and this category includes right to sail as crew in a member’s yacht. It is not available for boat owners wishing to participate in racing, and does not include a right to vote, to store a boat or to hold a club fob key but does include AS registration.
Intermediate Membership $130.00
Is for any individual aged 18 to 25 (at the start of the membership year) who joins the Club and wishes to have full membership rights and AS registration.
Junior Membership $75.00
Is for anyone under the age of 18 (at the commencement of the membership year) not belonging to a family membership and includes AS registration.
Social Membership $85.00
Is for anyone who wishes to participate in Club activities but not to sail, vote, store a boat or have a fob key.
** See form below for pro-rata fees.
If you are interested in joining the Club, download the Application form from the Rules, By-laws, Policies and Forms page under Club Information, and visit the Club to make yourself known. Please note that to progress your application you need to identify a proposer and seconder who are current members and are willing to support your application. If you don’t know any current members please contact the Secretary at
All memberships except Social include registration with Australian Sailing, the creating of an ‘AS’ number, and personal insurance cover when involved in AS sanctioned events. YA/AS Silver Cards are no longer issued, any member wishing to hold AS identification needs to log in to the AS site and download a file (see Secretary if any difficulties are encountered).
Miscellaneous Fees
Member key cost (Senior, family, intermediate, junior and life members only)
- Per fob – $20.00 purchase. Junior fobs are refundable.
Visitor key deposit (for casual sailors visiting Paynesville and wishing to temporarily use GLYC facilities)
- Per fob – $20.00 refundable deposit, and $20.00 per week or part thereof facilities use fee
Pro-Rata Membership and Storage Fees
The fees payable by new members joining, or members taking up boat storage during the season, are shown in this table.