General information
The club rooms are available for hire. Facilities include a hall with expansive views over Lake Victoria (suitable for seating up to 120 people), a fully licensed bar and a commercial kitchen. The hall is heated and air conditioned, and a PA system is provided. There is a state of the art data projection system, suitable for everything from a simple slide show, to DVDs, to live TV or an interactive whiteboard seminar with electronic pens.
The bar is run by Yacht Club volunteers and BYO is not permitted. Hirers need to organise their own caterers and all use of the kitchen must comply with council requirements. Local commercial caterers can advise of these requirements. Crockery and cutlery is provided.
The hall must be left in the condition in which it is found, including the table layout and hirers are responsible for cleaning. The regular club cleaner is generally available at hirer’s cost and responsibility, and contact details can be provided.
The daily hire charge is $480 for use of the full hall facilities including the bar and kitchen. A sliding scale is applied for part days and partial use of facilities. A bond may be required at the discretion of the Club. Discounts apply for community groups.
To contact the club about the use of our facilities:
Phone: 0427 848 757
You can download the GLYC Venue Hire Agreement from this page
This Calendar indicates potential availability – please check with the Hall Hire manager to confirm availability. When racing is happening at the Club our facilities are generally (but not always) fully utilised by members.