Tantrum Sonata 8

* Competitive club racer
* New mast and standing rigging November 2018
* New Mainsail in Radial cut Dimension Polyant laminate PX 15st -- November 2020 -- used 5 times. Dacron working mainsail in good condition
* Four headsails, 2 x #1, 1 x #2, 1 x #3, Etchells jib
* Spinnaker
* 8 HP 2 stroke OB -- new 2017
* Auto helm
* Sleeps 4
* Boom tent
* Registered trailer -- good for local use and launching -- needs work for long distance

$12,000 ONO

Contact: Warwick Hall
Phone: 0425 785 042
Email: warwickmhall@bigpond.com

New Minnow - never sailed, for sale

DIY built in Warragul using a Frecheville Heaney Kit

Aluminium mast and boom, new Quantum sail, new unboxed tarp, SS rigging. Sitting on a cradle, no trailer. Purchaser would need to collect from Warragul.

If interested, please contact Gerry Preston.

Offers accepted circa $1500 or best offer.

Contact: Gerry Prestney
Phone: 0431 039 838

For Sale

Harken stuff at half Whitworths price.

Self tailing sheet winches:
2 off 20ST for $799.95
2 off 15ST for $799.00

Ratchet Blocks:
2 off 57mm, swivel head for $175

Contact Dave on 0428 320 182

Contact: Dave Bacon
Phone: 0428320182
Email: davebacon@dod.com.au

No Fixed Address Castle 650 for sale

Good condition
VHF radio
Galley with stove
Trailer in good condition but no rego

Offers entertained

Contact: Jeff and Yvonne Walker
Phone: 0427 0369 53